Who wouldn't love a natural alternative to Botox that simultaneously works on underlying health concerns that could be contributing factors to your skins health?
Myself and another lovely colleague of mine traveled to Toronto two summers ago to learn about Cosmetic & Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture. We had the pleasure to be taught from world renounced Prof. Wang Fong and left confident with our certificates. I am happy to be offering this alternative tool and be able to incorporate it into the health field. Who wouldn’t agree that it is always nice to stay looking youthful, diminish those dark circles under the eyes, while trying to get rid of those fine lines? To start off our talk please note* YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL inside and out!

Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture (FRCA) is a true form of anti-aging medicine that works internally to help optimize your health, manage your stress, and improve the appearance of your skin. FRCA is a non-invasive treatment that works on the following:
Helps eliminate fine lines
Brightens eyes & helps lift drooping eyelids
Tightens pores
Improves muscle & skin tone
Reduces dark circles under the eyes
Reduces puffiness by improving metabolism, thus reducing excess fluids
Reduces double chin
Improves hormone balance (hormonal acne)
Moisturizes the skin by increased blood & lymph circulation in the face
Increases collagen & elasticity production (these are the key building blocks of the skin that naturally deplete with age.
Promotes overall health & well-being
Acupuncture may help increase the oxygenation levels through microcirculation which can aid in detoxification and help prevent facial puffiness. Incorporating Guasha is a great way to help break down any subcutaneous fascia in the area that constricts free movement. As we age, it is no secret that our bodies over time lose youthful production. CFRA can help with gravitational tendencies and support bone health. Another large factor that several individuals struggle with is hormonal imbalances – Acne! Studies have shown much success when treating acne. It is important to note that any skin condition needs time and consistency to begin to heal. Our skin is human’s largest organ and it is important to keep in mind that a skin cells life cycle is approximately 28 days, and that it slows down even more as we age. Bearing in mind – do not regret growing older, it’s a privilege denied to many.
Treatments are approximately 90 minutes in length. Depending on your practitioner, the session will include a diagnosis, where they will check your tongue and pulse. It will also include a facial massage, facial guasha, facial cupping, jade rolling and the use of facial products at their discretion, dependent on the clients’ needs. A recommended course of treatment is between 10 to 15 treatments in order to see lasting results.
*Please note that this treatment is not solely for women, but men can receive it as well, and are welcomed. Please check with your health provider to see if they will cover treatments.